Sunday, October 6, 2019


          Hi my names is Macy and I am a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School. I was born in 2004 and am a soccer player and a future volleyball player. Throughout my whole life, I’ve never moved houses. My family and I have been living in the same spot since my sister and I were born. However, even though my location hasn’t changed, my house sure did. After hurricane Katrina, the whole entire roof got ripped off of my house, the whole thing flooded and got destroyed besides the bathroom, which is where we were standing during the gist of it. I do not have a memory of this though, because I was only an infant at the time.
          At school, I contribute to many classes and sports. My favorite sport is soccer, which I am on the team for currently. My volleyball season just ended, our last game being a win! My favorite classes are most likely Algebra 2, French, and Media because I understand them the easiest and they are the most interesting for me. Since my volleyball season ended, now I get to focus primarily on school and soccer. Soccer really helps clear my mind and take my stress away, which benefits me in and outside school. It also makes me workout, which I can’t do without something forcing me to. I’ve stuck with soccer since I was about 3-4 years old. Ever since then, it has been my sport. I honestly think it’s going to stick with me for life.
          To tell you a little about my childhood, when I was little I was quite the adventurous fellow. When we still had our old house when I was really young, we used to go to our neighbors overgrown lawn and catch butterflies. One day, my sister and I walked over with our little nets and started catcher them. We would have a little butterfly basket with cut oranges and nectar for their food that we would carry with us. I remember walking around the yard and seeing something moving so, whack! I put My net right over the butterfly, but little to my knowledge it was an animal of a complete different sort. As soon as the net hit the grass, it started whipping back and forth. Me, a 6 year old, call out to my dad, “I CAUGHT ONE I CAUGHT ONE!” He jogs over with the little basket and starts chucking when he sees my net. I bend down, with the danger-detector of a baby, and lift my catch into the air. The snake wiggled ferociously in my arms, and I just smiled. My dad snapped a great pic of it which I will attach when I find it.
          Currently, I am in Aice Media Studies. As I noted before, this is one of my favorite classes due to all of the fun activities we get to do. Right now I am in a group with Adriana, Ben, and Andrew. We are starting to work on our Commercial Project, where we have to make a commercial from a list of items and use different camera angles, sounds, voiceovers, editing, etc. Right now we are thinking about doing it on Gatorade and we are brainstorming different storyboards we could create to make the commercial a very good one. This is one of the reasons I like this class, the ability to work as a team and share ideas to make the best possible product. I look forward to doing many more projects for this class.

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