Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming at the beach

Sunday was the day that I filmed. The actor/actress we used were named kelly and sam. Kelly is my sister and Sam is a close friend. We hang out all of the time, so I figured for my group it would be easier to just shoot them in the scene rather than a friend who might not be able to meet up. The filming ended up being a LOT of fun. My sister and Sam basically had to play a romance on the beach. This was very laughable since they are not actually together in real life. For the music video however, they played their parts very well. We ended up filming at the beach and doing a cliche, Sam meets kelly and then talks her up and they end up getting together. The filming was done by me, and I had to improvise for some shots for certain camera angles.

When we got to the beach, we took out the necessary props, aka the beach towel that is carried by kelly in the first clip. The story follows the lines of Sam seeing Kelly at the beach and begin talking to each other and then hanging out and becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. It is a regular cliche, but I like to think of this one as better than most. The first clip of kelly carrying the blanket had to be a track shot. This was very difficult because we were on the beach and I dont have a track and I couldn't push a skateboard with me on it. I ended up just steadily walking behind her and it is an actually pretty stable clip. That was only one difficulty we had. When I began to take the pier shots, I had to get different high and low angles. Because of the pier being there I couldn't get the highest angle from under the pier. However I found a way to hop up onto the concrete platform and shoot from up there. We came up with various solutions to various problems and it ended up working out just fine. 

The filming that we completed if added together creates more than 60 seconds. However after editing the video, we are definitely going to trim some of the footage because of bloopers at the ends of beginning of the video. I hope we will still be able to make the full 60 seconds time. If need be, I might film during the week a little more just to give extra footage for just in case. You can never be too safe, and I want this project to be well put together. I really hope by the romance we didn’t violate any rules that we don’t know about, such as wearing bathing suits? Sam and Kelly and their slight PDA? Hopefully everything will be fine and we won’t have to delete some of our video. That would not be pleasant. However, I believe everything will run smoothly and we will be able to make the best possible video we could have. It already has great quality footage, now we just need to add the music and BOOM, it almost done. 

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