Friday, April 17, 2020

2 Min Movie

This project was where we had to make the first to minutes of an actual movie. In either groups or alone, we had to think of ideas to make a pitch for our movie. After finalizing my pitch, I began working on the storyboard to plan my shots out. This really helps when you begin filming because you have a constant reference to look at if you forget what you are shooting at the moment. When I began shooting with my phone, it was so much fun. My family likes to play around, so it was a very laughable experience. When we were shooting the hand coming up to grab my sister for instance, we had to retake that shot about ten times. This was because my mom was playing the hand, and kept laughing and being really dramatic wit it. This is when I realized that I was going to do a Comedy/Horror instead of just a plainly horrific movie. This made the experience much more enjoyable. I had to draw bruises onto my sisters leg using just markers and those turned out pretty well as well. I got some cool shots of them that you can see in the movie as a close up. I worked really hard on this movie. It definitely made me much better at Media as a whole. I developed many skills that I didn't have before by making this movie. I thought it was a very enjoyable experience, and I learned a lot from it. I hope that I was able to add enough suspense to it, so that it intrigued people after it ended. That was my main goal, for people wanting to end up watching more. To leave them on a good cliff hanger. I feel like I achieved this pretty well through the various techniques that I used throughout the video. 

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