Thursday, February 27, 2020

Editing Blog (clipping vids)

Unfortunately I had no time to film between monday and thursday. This was due to my teachers deciding to pile on work to sophomores who had never been taught to schedule or organize themselves. I had two major tests on the same day and it was extremely difficult studying for both and even when I did i’m pretty sure I failed. But enough about that, this caused me to have no time to film. So instead of filming, I decided to begin trimming the clips. This isn’t quite editing because when I think of editing I think more of doing the transitions and things like that. However I dont want to do any of that until I have all my clips. That would make it able for me to see how much I should cut the rest of the videos and adding transitions to see how much time I have. If I didnt do it like that I might cut the clips too far and realize I dont have enough time. Or vice versa I could have had too much time after putting in transitions and titles.

When I began to cut the videos, I had to think about the storyboard. Because we did too many storyboards for how long our video is, each box actually represents 2 seconds. This is quite annoying because how are you supposed to take a two second clip. Especially since my storyboard boxes have conversations in them and a lot of movement. When I am done with the video I will most likely have wayyyyyyy to much film. This is because each box on a storyboard is supposed to be 5 seconds. If this were the case for our final project we would have only had to do 4 storyboard but we actually had to do 10. I really don’t understand the reasoning for this especially because it’s making my video harder to film. But I cannot question my teachers ways so whatever they want us to do I will do. This made it so that when I was clipping the videos I tried to clip as much as I could. If each video I take has to be 2 seconds that’s going to be a VERY choppy video. We will see how this turns out.

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