Saturday, January 25, 2020

Genre Research (powerpoint)

For the musical genre project, we had to draw a random genre from a hat and then create a powerpoint on it. The powerpoint showed all the key parts of the genre we picked, which ended up being musical. Me, Adriana, Andrew, ans Ben all decided to do the powerpoint on google slides so we could all work on it and it would update for all of us. That was the easiest method so thats what we did. We then each did about three slides each on thee common things that happened in a musical. This would be a movie like high school musical, a classic musical genre. We had to look at common lighting, angles, movement, and mis en scene. We also had to identify the elements of genre and musicals that we liked and disliked. The lastly we looked at example films, common sounds, and sound incorporations for musical genres. 

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