Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research (Carrie)

Costumes: The costumes used in are regular school girl clothes along with Carrie's overdressed self. She ends up wearing a dress in the end as well because its the schools prom.
Lighting: The lighting is usual in the beginning of the movie but at the end in the dance and at Carrie's house its dark and dimly lit.
Carrie: Sissy Spacek
Margaret: Piper Laurie
Tommy: William Katt
Sue: Amy Irving
Billy: John Travolta
Makeup: There was a good use of makeup because someone ends up dumping pig blood onto Carrie in her white dress so there was a good use of fake blood right there. She also damages a lot of things and injures people so their injuries were made with makeup as well.
Props: The props that were used were a bucket, pigs blood, the room her mom traps her in has things in it, a knife etc.
Setting: The setting of the movie is mainly in Carrie's house and at her school.

Camera angles:
- high angle
- long shot
- two person shot
- over the shoulder

Camera movements:
- Tilt
- pan
- zoom

Camera shots:
- establishing shot
- wide shot
- aerial shot
- slow motion shot

The elements I liked about this movie was that even though it was an older film it still looked very realistic. It followed horror guidelines where there was a main villain that damages the things around her. What I like about what they did is that they didn't make a hero for the movie, Carrie just ended up getting over herself and becoming her own hero.

The elements I did not like is that the problem wasn't fully resolved. Carrie ended up destroying her whole house with her mom in it but saved herself because she was pregnant. That was an odd part of the movie and I didn't like it but besides that it was pretty horrific.

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