Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research (Twister)

- There were 6 titles in this title sequence.
- The images that were prioritized were ones of the tornado that the movie was about.
- The connotations that this title sequence carries are unnerved feelings because of a natural disaster. Because this movie deals with a tornado, it makes it more realistic.
- The genre is reinforced by the titles popping out of the dusty area around the twister. Then at one point letters get blown away by the tornado and then more appear in the debris.
- Twister develops an enigma by using letters that are in the midst of a twister. This shows the conflict that will happen later in the movie. At the end of the titles in the twister, there is a title of the dat eon a normal day.
- The strategies used to appeal to the audience was making the titles come out of the twister. It showed what would happen later in the movie and created the right mood for the audience.
- Technology has been used efficiently in this by editing the words to make them dissipate in the tornado and also reapear by the floating debris. It was very creative and probably took hard work.

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