Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research (Manhunt)

- There were 7 titles in the title sequence of this horror movie.
- The images that are prioritized is a collection of people on paper with words written by them. In the empty spaces of the pictures with words, they put the titles.
- The connotations the images carry are a creepy feeling. It is showing people that look like suspects on a board.
- The genre is reinforced by the spread of red from title to title and terrifying background music. The words are in a specific font, almost italicized.
- The film establishes an enigma by setting an unsettling mood by the words and visuals used in the title sequence.
- The strategies that were used were creating a flow of titles that didn't make it seem like you were reading title after title but actually seeing a part of the movie with the titles because of the mood it created.
- Technology has been used efficiently because all of it was made with amazing editing skills. The camera doesn't really have various angles, it just slides over to each other title. It is smooth and looks the the camera is scanning a document.

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